Work Time Reduction Center of Excellence

We strive to change the world of work through shorter hours, smarter working, improved performance, and enjoying a greater quality of life.

We’ve partnered with former 4 Day Week Global CEO Joe O’Connor to launch The Work Time Reduction Center of Excellence.

This initiative brings together Curium’s expertise in operational excellence and change management alongside Joe’s experience in partnering with organizations all over the world to design, coordinate and implement shorter work week trials.

The Work Time Reduction Center of Excellence is powered by world-class researchers, change management experts, operational excellence specialists, future of work thought leaders, and shorter working week pioneers.

Find out more about the Work Time Reduction Centre of Excellence

We design custom trials, programs and projects focused on the individual needs of companies.

Partnering with organizations to support their transformation to working smarter and shorter working hours, we offer:

  • Shorter working week trial design and implementation
  • Shorter work week sustainability and continuous improvement programs to maintain and build on initial success
  • Longer-term incremental transformation plans to achieve a gradual reduction in hours
  • Diagnostic tools and analysis to assess readiness for work time reduction
  • Business case preparation to achieve internal understanding, buy-in and support
  • Redesigning work schedules, practices and processes to lay the bedrock for change
  • Targeted experiments and randomized control trials to learn, inform, adapt and iterate

Are you ready for a shorter working week? Help us assess your readiness through our free tool powered by our CODE methodology®

Andy Dawson
Director - Curium Solutions
Joe O'Connor
Director - WTR Center of Excellence
Grace Tallon
Head of Operations - WTR Center of Excellence
It's about time

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