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As a leader what are you feeling right now? It’s not an easy one to answer…Overwhelmed, uncertain, fear? You are not the only one. And then there are your people. It can be difficult to know what is the best way to support them, and deal with their very individual reactions, whilst still delivering what you need for the business.
Since the first days of lockdown, we have been conducting regular surveys amongst our clients and followers to try and understand what is it that people need when the going gets tough.
It was interesting to discover how the results fluctuated from everyone wanting to keep connected to ensure our family and loved ones are safe, to needing some clarity, structure and firm goals for the future. Most recently the trend started to move towards people wanting to have a strong positive vision towards the future.
Based on our findings, we have designed 4 webinars for the next 4 weeks to help you get into the right mindset to be ready to bounce forward when the time comes, for some people and organisations it is right around the corner, while others are still in the middle of all the uncertainty.
Wherever you are right now, it is important to maintain your focus on the short and medium term, maintain discipline and keep up the good habits you have learned recently.
With bumps along the way, opportunities are there, bad news will come along the way, so it is important not be phased by that and make sure you keep focused.
It is not going to be an easy road and there are bound to be a few misfires. Expect that, learn and bounce forward.