Henrietta Brealey: Be more fire!

Curium | 01 Mar 2018 | News | General News, General

Be more fire! In her guest blog, Henrietta Brealey, Director of Policy and Strategic Relationships at the Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce, reviews her first experience of TetraMap

From Oprah to Team GB via elements-based personality tests and a bit of juggling and magic, it’s safe to say our Exec team’s experience with Curium wasn’t quite what we’d expected.

Myself and the Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce senior team took part in a one-day performance learning session with Curium Solutions on “empowering our potential”. Universally, we all left feeling refreshed, energised and inspired to implement that we’d learned.

Curium and our excellent facilitator Stuart Bailey gave us a fresh approach and some simple, straightforward frameworks that we can apply in day-to-day work and life to help us work more effectively – together and as individuals.

What’s more, the experience of taking part as a leadership team really helped further strengthen team relationships.

We’re a pretty friendly bunch and tend to get on well anyway. But, taking us out of our comfort zones and asking us to discuss potentially challenging differences of perspective in a fun and open environment left us all feeling like we’d kicked “team bond” up a gear.

My main take always? “Be more fire”* and “win, learn, change” and also a greater sense of perspective.

When a colleague takes a particular approach that conflicts with my own, odds are it’s not them being difficult, they’re just approaching a task or objective from a different mind-set and set of priorities. And actually, that different perspective, could be just the extra ingredient we need to achieve success.

*Fire is one of four natural elements (earth, air, water and fire) used by TetraMap to explain human behaviour. For more blogs about how TetraMap helps people to understand their behaviour and that of others, see:

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