‘No one is perfect… that’s why pencils have erasers.’ ~Author Unknown
I have been working hard and studying late in order to keep on top of my studies whilst
working full time.
The hard work and lack of sleep recently paid off as I received a really high mark in my last assignment but my elation soon turned to slight disappointment as I scoured my tutor’s feedback in an attempt to work out where I had ‘lost’ marks.
A brief discussion in the office the next day resulted in my complete change of attitude.
I was asked why did I feel slightly disappointed, why was I concentrating on the ‘lost’ marks and not the amazing result I had achieved. My response was quite clearly I thought my assignment was the best work I had produced so far, I had hoped it was perfect.
It was suggested that I shouldn’t necessarily strive for perfection as I will always feel disappointed as perfection is so hard to achieve.
This was quite thought provoking and led me to reconsider my approach so I have now decided to concentrate on working towards excellence and do everything to the very best of my ability in both my professional and personal achievements.
I will view excellence as a process, a process of improvement, of increasing quality, as a way of improving any weaknesses, in other words I will view excellence as a trend.
So, what is the process of excellence? It is being able to learn from our weaknesses and see it as an opportunity to anticipate and to find solutions to reach our target in a better way.