Sometimes, a seemingly negative situation can have unexpected benefits.
How many times have you stood at the train station and seen: delayed… delayed… delayed… and thought, ‘here we go again’…?
I thought the same recently. As I stood on the platform cursing the train provider, I noticed one of our clients was also waiting. I hadn’t had much chance to speak to him yet as our paths hadn’t really crossed much.
Every cloud…
What happened next was a brilliant silver lining in an otherwise nightmare journey. It turned into a travel experience I can only relate to the great film ‘Trains, Planes and Automobiles.’
What should have been a smooth journey turned into a mad dash to a different station, multiple trains and waiting around in blizzard-like conditions. The upside was it gave us plenty of time to talk. (Although it didn’t result in me going home with him for a holiday stay or vice versa I hasten to add!).
What it did result in was the opportunity for us to get to know each other, to talk about our preferred working styles and really begin to build a relationship.
So the next time you’re faced with a negative situation, look for the opportunity hiding around the corner. If you dig deep enough, you’ll find something.
Even on a freezing train platform, in the dark, at 7.26 in the morning.